We knew each other when we sat together during BM tuition in Form 2. Dang... i still remember you were the one who introduced me to read 草莓 100% comic during the tuition.
You were my Leo pal and fellow YE officer, i misses all your cold jokes and 'wtf-ing' acts while your Peter Chao's style will never be forgotten. Lots of people have sent request to Peter Chao to make a tribute video for you. YEAH!! =)
Tears coming out.. So, lets the photos talk,
During Ye workshop, your team won our 'royal' team... Too regretted for not includding you and Chien Ming into the team.
Greenlane McD BOD meeting. Your T-shirt design was nice, but just the official regulations stated there T-shirts productions are not allowed.
During late April, we YE went to Lead Programme at PSDC. Gained lots of laughter and much more huh?
During PRS camp. Thanks for entertaining us while waiting for Leo meeting.
Group photo after setting up the booth on the day 1 of YE sales 2009. You were so 'yeng', you wore blazer with colourful short! Yi Zhang was there too and he looks so serious. Both of you made the photo so memorable! You guys rock!
Your duty. =)
The best shot for Brendon during YE Sales. Still remember we fooled around at the Kodak Express there? =(
Yi Zhang and You were the best jokers as well as partner. You two's efforts paid! We gained great compliments with your creative thinking (keychain designs) and great persuading skills as well.
We took group photos after the 2 days of thrilling game ended.
We went to Little sister of the poor for charity works under YE and Leo. Those old folks shall remember you all (Jason, Brendon and Yi Zhang). Yong Seng yielded all the photos i took there.
YE Liquidation workshop: Only you, Yong Seng, Wei Kang and I were attending the workshop, You said the quote 'you're what you eat' suddenly, we ate 'duodenum' which should be called as 'papadom'.
YE Annual report 2009: Your efforts paid. Even we were not managed to get the best annual report, but still thanks for your photoshop skills and much more contributions for YE, which should be uncountable.
During CLHS Gerko Open day, which was the last time I seeing you. Dang.. i regretted for pointing you with my middle finger, I want you to tease me 'missy (missyanda)' again! Now I tell you, I'm in a relationship!
You promised to make this T-shirt for me! You said wanted to form a photography crew with this 'uniform', wasn't it ?
I love your design for Mercuralia logo. It was really rocks! Even though it has only a 'life' of few days or weeks.
Anyway, I have chosen to face the facts. You will never be forgotten, my Leo pal and fellow Mercuralia (YE 2009), i misses all your cold jokes and 'wtf-ing' acts while your Peter Chao's style rocks too. Remember to find me through Dream with Jason. =)
Before adjourning the post, i want to say 'I Rove You! Lest in Peace, my Fliend!'
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