Saturday, April 17, 2010

Morning Photoshoot at Chowrasta Market, Penang [17th April 2010]

A850 with 70-200 F/2.8
New toy!! Sony Alpha850 with 70-200 F/2.8G.
Don't think I'm rich, this is definitely not MINE and it was bulky and became a burden for my hand, so HEAVY! damn!
okay, I borrowed it from my uncle until the coming Monday as he's not using it so long time ago and yet I'm using this during Leo Idol 2010!

Okay! The following pics were taken with the Sony machine. =)
It was just another sunny Saturday morning, and as usual, I followed my mum and grandma to the Chowrasta Market, which I used to go there since I was still small. And, I like to shoot happening places, market place will be my top choice of photographing ladies, annoying ladies, and extremely annoying old ladies! Yea great, get ready to roll out!
The side entrance.
At first, we bumped into my grandma's ex worker.
The hardworking 'duo'. My grandma used to visit their stall, may be because of their products are cheaper? I have no idea, I don't know the market price and I only know to EAT! EAT and EAT!
Tada... my grandma! notice that my mum was a 'slack-king'!
Vegetarian's fried beehoon, well, I personally think that the fried beehoon of another stall near it is better.
You could probably see this kind of monk along the street anytime...I stalked him with long lens!
Active KID! [shot at 200mm from my sitting place]
May be some of you might think this is under-exposed, but, when you come to think about it from another perspective, you might have another explanation for it. This hawker worked behind the stall, and normally people seldom know 'who is the hawker' or what.. Be thoughtful, ehh... what am I saying here? ==
Bah-Kua (肉干)
Some of the stall owner set up their booth later than the other does. Dang, it almost 9am!
Roasted DUCKs and CHICKENs!!!!
And Chopped! And they are now inside my stomach, queuing up to be digested! wee~
Paid a visit to this sundry shop too.
Oyster seller, another cam-shy... I see oysters, oysters and many oysters! I had fallen in love with fried oysters!!! ROAR!
And the uncle said, 'OI! SERVE WA LA!' (serve me in hokkien dialect).
This is how the 'chicken-chopped' looks alike. =P
Buy vegetables again. *My family very healthy eh lo, always eat vegetables. Mai siao siao~*
As in the market, bargaining seems to be common to this type of 'aunties'. I stood there for 10 minutes for this photo... -.-
Nah, this is my mum's favourite Curry Mee stall. Uncle ah.. why so emo?
WAN TAN MEEE!!! I'M SO 38! ==
Then climbed up to the 2nd floor of the Chowrasta Baazaar building and shot this.
Met Ms Teh, my school leo club's teacher advisor, I'm still hoping to get 120buck from her.
This is so........ think yourself... ==
I had craving for this kind of portrait long time ago, and I got this successfully with my long lens isolating the main subject! wee~ happy!
We left the market at around 10a.m.. =]
Shot from car. WanPei said this is nicest among the other 3 that I have shown to her.

Today I realized that Malaysians are craving to be shot but most of them dodged away from the camera when noticed some others are shooting them. Sporting la! =.=

Not only this, I went to HEHS afterward, in order to support my school prefects in the prefects' footdrill competition! Well, stay tuned! ROAR! =]


Joseph said...

Good shots! Soon can be paparazzi. You are so gluttony! FYI.. oysters are a form of aphrodisiac.

Uncle or you emo-ing? :P

Ps. Hope you were a gentlemen to help carry the groceries! ;)

SeowJiao said...

haha! i did, i helped them to take vege while taking photos. lol

无修人 said...

new toys huh, yeng man

SeowJiao said...

hahaa.. not mine, i borrowed it from my uncle for shootign in Leo Idol