I cried during your funeral twice, my emotion totally went broken down after saw your face in the casket... Rest in peace.
I still remember my nickname 'Siao jiao' was created by you and Chin Can when we were in the same class Form 1T5. That time, I really started to feel annoying that time as you used to call me like that every time we met each other during tuition, school activities and etc.
Still remember when we were in form 1? We used to sit together during tuition at Anthony and Mr. Yang? We often chit chat and made fun of others during his tuition, we get canned together by Anthony for playing a banter on (作弄) Wan Ling. I really miss that moment.
Still remember when we were in form 1? We used to play Maple Story together. You have my account ID and password as well as I have yours too. Was your character's ID 'Monkeyboy12', i have forgotten your ID? We used to play both of our accounts together, we used to lie on each other, we stole 'mesos' from each other and played Party Quest together, we joined Chen Hee's 'ChaosForces' guild...Now, all these memories kept flashing through my mind.
Still remember when we were in form 1? We used to sit at the same row during Mandarin tuition at Mr. Yeoh there. During form 2, you used to sms with your 'honey' who i didn't know initially, after 'half year of research', i knew she is Crystal. Even though Crystal only sat in front of you, you used to sms with her from the beginning of the tuition until the end. In order to not to disturb both of you, i chosen to sit inner place with Yao Sheng which few chairs distance beside you instead of sitting beside you.
Still remember when we were in form 1? We were in the same group with Joshua and Chin Can for the Geography project? We carried out our research at Chin Can's house, we went to 1-Stop to lunch. You and Chin Can went to the arcade center while Joshua and I not dare to enter! When Joshua and I waiting for you two to come back, I sent you a fake message which written 'Polices coming, fast back!' well, you were not stupid though. =). Throughout the research, we have loads of fun which could only become memories now. No? =(
BUT then, our friendship was loosen after you went to A class in form 2 while i stayed in B class. You and I became stranger after all, until last year, I joined your Leo club and you joined my YE club, we only talked for a little bit. I'm really sorry, i didn't cherish our friendship well from the beginning.
Anyway, the photos will show it all...

First 3R project with you. You were serious during working or duty. You earned loads of my respects, i was glad to work with you guys.

First BOD meeting at Greenlane McD with you.

First Leos Installation and Induction with you. *Salute president*

First ICCP project with you. I was glad to be in the same group with you and Yong Seng. Even there was only 3 of us, we still made tons of fun, wasn't it? I remember you played your favorite song '单身情歌' and we sang it together. After all the Union school Leos went back, we accompanied you there to wait for Crystal and Zhang Hao.

We YE always appreciate your helps and contributions. Thank you!

First Duty at Pillow Fight at Penang Times Square. We went into the residential area with Joel right? we played in the gym, took photo for you beside the pool? RIGHT?

First Foyi Camp with you. I have regretted for not to stand closer to you for group photo. I didn't get your signature for my cloth too. =(

First duty for CLHS Gerko Open day with you. You were introducing Leo Club to Brendon(who was another victim of this tragical accident)'s mum.

Rest in peace, my friend. Remember to find me through dream, I'm still waiting for you to tell me what does the heaven looks like? Many clouds? Many angels?
Now, it's time for my tears to stop from dropping, may be because of the 'I pledge' i was listening to currently? The feeling was complicated! Anyways, I promise you, AH CH'NG! I wouldn't cry anymore! AND i wouldn't forget you! =)
cheer up la sailou!
friends come friends go...
dont like dat :) cheerish every single moment now with your friends
dailou! i will! =) thanks for viewing anyway..
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