Saturday, November 15, 2008

Last day of Form 3 school life...

So fast... it was the last day of school this year... first of all, i was so "sick" that my "gang" is going to disband... t.t
Guys, i will miss what all of you had done in this year, our outing, our nonsense talking, our rumour between each other and also... nth...

i attended school be'coz Weng Hooi (as known as FiFi) said he was going too. If you dont know who is he, simply click here and referred to my last post...

At school, we just sat there and chatting among ourselves, we chat our promary school life, our *****, our more more more... a lot.

We were playing Big 2 by using UNO to replace poker cards... LOL~

FiFi showing his shuffling skill *A lot of cards fly out*...

Are you wondering wad they were exciting about ?! Actually they were only playing Risk...

Action of Commanders == Risk takers !?